Our Partners

Partners at Studio East

Studio East would like to give a standing ovation to the following corporations, foundations, and individuals for their commitment and belief that the arts have value for our society and can make a difference in the lives of our young people. Their generosity provides necessary funding to ensure Studio East is able to continue to create opportunities for young people to discover and explore the performing arts. Learn more about partnership opportunities with Studio East.

Thank You to Our Generous Partners:

Executive Producer Level

Logo of Premera Blue Cross, showing the company name in black text next to a blue cross with a white medical symbol inside, above a blue banner with "BLUE CROSS" in white text.
A black and white logo of microsoft.
A black and white picture of the logo for talip tribes.
Green and white "4Culture" emblem with the number 4 in a stylized design above the word "CULTURE" in gray capital letters.
A logo for king county creative with the words " revive & thrive together ".

Director Level

Logo featuring the text "Evergreen Health" with "Evergreen" in dark gray and "Health" in light green, accompanied by a green leaf graphic above the text.

Star Level

Green chat bubble with "omg!" text on the left, followed by "ontra" in green and "marketing group" in purple text on a white background.
Geometric pattern with multi-colored triangles and the text "ARTS WA" in white.
A blue logo for george cross university
Logo of Lee Johnson Auto Family, featuring a blue and silver geometric design above the text "The LJ Way" and "Lee Johnson Auto Family Since 1933".
Lucky 7 Foundation
Logo with text "Explore Kirkland" featuring a sailboat design, and website URL www.explorekirkland.com. "Washington" is written underneath.

Community Level

A black and white image of the umpoort logo.
Logo of CMIT Solutions with the tagline "Your Technology Team" in red text and a design featuring red dots curving around the letter "T".
A green kirkland logo is shown.
A logo for kirkland cultural arts commission.

Partner with Studio East

Studio East believes that children who practice the discipline and dedication required by the craft of theater are developing confidence, responsibility, creativity and compassion – life skills which will be valuable assets to them throughout their lives, no matter what career they choose to pursue.

Business partnerships are a vital part of the success of Studio East’s mission and philosophy. Corporate support, such as community partnerships, foundation grants, employee matching gifts and in-kind donations allow Studio East to continue providing access to performing art training and live theater to everyone in our community.

Partnership opportunities include annual, event, and show performance support as well as support for education and outreach programs.

Please contact Becky Henchman at [email protected] to learn more about partnership opportunities with Studio East.

Practice Teamwork at Studio EastStudio East Performing Arts