Board & Staff

The Board & Staff of Studio East

Studio East and StoryBook Theater were opened by Founding Artistic Director Lani Brockman.

Studio East Staff

Interim Executive Director
Carolyn Agan

Technical Director
Erik Eagleson

Education Director
Kaysy Ostrom

Production and Education Associate

Donny Gersonde

Box Office Manager/
School Show Coordinator
Jillian Faulk

Office Administrator
Hillary Nelson

Education Associate
Julia Gorordo

Board of Directors

Alexa Skilling, President
Studio East Alum, & Founder of Mineralista Wines

Sierra Zanghi, Vice President
Studio East Alum, & Court Reporter

Chinda Tilson, Treasurer
Studio East Alum, Parent & Executive Assistant

Monica Luedke, Secretary
Studio East Parent

Board Emeritus

Natalie Barney
Maura Barr
Lloyd Coble
Greg Coulter
Silvija Coulter
Patty Franklin
Suzanne Kagen
Darlene Pollard
Cari Schutzler
Karen Getzinger

At Large

Meg Owen, Marketing Professional

Janet Schweizer, Studio East Alum, Sales and Marketing Executive

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