Zoom Safety

Studio East Zoom Safety Statement

In order to keep our Zoom meetings secure and to ensure students’ safety while using Zoom, Studio East will follow thebest practices for securing our classrooms, including:

    • E-mail invitation link, Meeting ID, and password are required to participate in meetings.
    • All video guests enter a “Waiting Room” and Studio East staff will manually accept guests to enter the meeting.
      • Please use yourfirst name & last initialas your user/display name so we can easily identify you!If we do not recognize your display name, we will not let you into the meeting.(To quickly change your Zoom display name: click the “…” button in the corner of your video screen OR right click your video, then select “Rename.”)
      • Students should not rename themselves during a meeting unless it’s to use a nickname they will use for the duration the program, or if asked by the teacher to use a “character name” when we record a play or scene.
    • Zoom’s “Security” button provides immediate tech support help.
    • Sessions will only be recorded by staff with all participants’ knowledge (for final performances).
    • Studio East will not make recordings of class sessions public for any reason.
    • Only the host (Studio East staff) have the ability to screen share and teachers will only use this function to share class related materials.
    • Students can use the chat function to communicate via text to everyone publicly or with the teacher privately but they cannot privately message other students.
    • A note on Breakout Rooms:
      • Breakout rooms is a function in Zoom where teachers can separate students into separate “virtual classrooms” so they can work together on smaller group projects. Breakout rooms will only be used for grades 3 and up. Teachers will jump frequently between breakout rooms but there will be times students will be on their own not monitored by a teacher. Students have the option to call the teacher to your room at any point and the teacher will always be available via private chat even while in a different breakout room. It is our expectation all students be on their best behavior in breakout rooms and will treat others with respect. If this rule cannot be followed, students will lose Breakout Room privileges.

Should you have any questions about these procedures, please email Education Director Kaysy Ostrom at [email protected].