How old do I have to be to apply?
Students age 13 and older are invited to apply to be work study assistants for camps and classes.
What will I gain by being an assistant?
Besides having a ton of fun, giving back and learning about being an instructor? Assistants earn tuition credit for Studio East programs, or community service hours for school.
Am I a good fit for a class or camp assistant?
Ideal candidates are current Studio East students who are confident and mature, with some experience working with younger children in leadership roles. Assisting positions are available in our after school class programs as well as Mid-Winter Break, Spring Break and Summer Camps.
What is the commitment like for class assistants?
Classes meet once per week, usually for an hour and a half, and usually for an 8-week session. Assistants help the instructor 10 minutes before and after each class. Class assistants need only commit to one class, but several may be available.
For Summer Camps, what’s my commitment like? Where would I be working?
Work study assistants must commit to at least 2 weeks of camp. Assistants may need to be at a different Eastside location each week or two.
What is needed to be a Lead Summer Assistant?
We look for Studio East-trained teens with advanced theater experience, such as YAPI, who love to work with large numbers of children. Applicants for paid positions must be at least 16 years old and be able to commit to at least 6 weeks of camps. Some assistant positions require dance and choreography skills.
When does the Studio start hiring Summer Assistants?
Starting in January we hire our paid Summer Camp assistants. Our Work Study positions start solidifying in April.
What types of camps are available for assistants?
Positions include assistants for all types of camps including skills camps, 1-week play creation camps, 2-week production camps, and more. See our Summer Camps page for more information about each program.
I’m not old enough or do not have enough experience yet to be a paid assistant, but I still want to participate in Summer Camps. Is there anything else available?
Work Study and volunteer opportunities are also available for students age 13-19. See at top, Class and Camp Work Study.
Note: Priority in placement is given to students currently active in Studio East programs.
Alright, I’m sold! How do I apply to be Camp or Class Assistant?
Please send a letter and resume highlighting your relevant experience via email to: Kaysy Ostrom, Education Director. Or call Kaysy at 425.820.1800 x108 if you have further questions.